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時間:2023-05-24  來源:招聘信息  作者: 我要糾錯


State Leaders Interview Column 《Murphy Interviews》sponsor reports


On May 22, 10 Years of the Belt & Road Initiative & China-Sri Lanka Cooperation Media Briefing Achieved Great Success in Sri Lanka Embassy in Beijing. His Excellency Harin Fernando, Sri Lanka Minister of Tourism & Land Fernando, His Excellency Palitha Kohona, Sri Lanka Ambassador to China, Mr. Chalaka Gajabahu, Chairman of the Sri Lanka Tourism Authority, and Mr. Thisum Jayasuriya, Chairman of the Sri Lankan Convention and Exhibition Bureau presented. More than 70 medias, including State Leaders Interview Column 《Murphy Interviews》 Founder Murphy DENGTing presented. Besides lots of exhibition companies and travel agencies participated in this conference.


Excellency Ambassador Palitha Kohona斯里蘭卡駐華大使閣下


His Excellency Harin Fernando, Minister of Tourism and Land of Sri Lanka made a special trip to Beijing Sri Lanka Embassy to meet with medias and tourism friends, expressing his profound gratitude to the Chinese government for helping Sri Lanka in economy, culture, tourism and other aspects in the past decade in the "the Belt and Road" initiative. He also noted that Sri Lanka has established solid economic and cultural ties with China.


His Excellency Minister Harin Fernando斯里蘭卡旅游與土地部長費爾南迪閣下


His Excellency Minister Harin Fernando also noted “For decades, Sri Lanka has established strong economic ties with China, including infrastructure development projects. These projects have strengthened connectivity and made it easier for Sri Lanka to attract tourists from all over the world. Sri Lanka's tourism industry is mature and ready to welcome the Chinese market. We have implemented visa facilitation measures specifically targeting Chinese tourists. These measures have simplified visa procedures to attract more Chinese tourists Tourists come to Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka's tourism industry has matured and is ready to embrace the China market. In addition, with the support of the Sri Lanka Ministry of Tourism and Land, the Sri Lanka Tourism Bureau and the Sri Lanka Embassy and Consulate in China have been working to promote tourism resources through various means. These efforts aim to enhance the awareness of Chinese tourists towards Sri Lanka, a vibrant and resource rich destination, and encourage them to choose Sri Lanka as an attractive tourist destination”.


State Leaders Interview Column《Murphy Interviews》Founder Murphy DENGTing國家元首訪談欄目《鄧婷訪談》創始人鄧婷Murphy;聯合國亞裔小姐選美大賽全球總冠軍鄧婷Global Champion of Miss Asian Pageant in Support of UN 17 SDGs


The Ministry of Tourism and Land of Sri Lanka hopes to promote tourism cooperation and exchanges between China & Sri Lanka through this media and tourism industry press. Furthermore, to occupy a greater share of the Chinese outbound tourism market, and ultimately to make Sri Lanka the preferred overseas tourism destination for Chinese Lanka, a unique passionate island country!



Sri Lanka is known as the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean", and this charming island paradise boasts numerous exciting tourism products and experiences. We can summarize and interpret the uniqueness of Sri Lanka using the "three characteristics, eight experiences". The "three characteristics" refer to experiential, compact, and diverse experiences. The "eight experiences" refer to pure beaches, stunning scenery, world heritage, wildlife, Lanca treasures, adventure, wonderful enjoyment, and holiday celebrations. The rich and diverse sea and land terrain has created numerous beautiful natural scenery and attractions in Sri Lanka. Travelers can ride the tumultuous waves at dawn and appreciate the green mountains at dusk; The interweaving of different cultures has made Sri Lankans hospitable, diverse, creative, and full of vitality, making smiling culture a symbol and symbol of Sri Lanka's world-renowned reputation. It is no exaggeration to say that Sri Lanka is the best tourist destination for gathering nature and culture, as well as an ideal place for seeking pleasure and leisure.


近年來,斯里蘭卡先后獲得多項國際旅游大獎,如2017年世界旅游大獎亞洲最佳冒險目的地,英國Rough Guide系列旅行指南評選的2017年最佳旅行目的地,彭博社發布的2017年世界20大熱門旅行目的地之一。此外,斯里蘭卡的加勒也問鼎《國家地理》2017年最佳冬季旅行目的地。

In recent years, Sri Lanka has won multiple international tourism awards, such as the 2017 World Tourism Awards for Best Adventure Destinations in Asia, the UK Rough Guide series for Best Travel Destinations in 2017, and Bloomberg News for one of the top 20 popular travel destinations in the world in 2017. In addition, Galle in Sri Lanka also won National Geographic's Best Winter Travel Destination for 2017.


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